Accept M-PESA Payments on your website using our plugins.

Woocommerce | WHMCS | Adobe Commerce

Free Lipa na mpesa payment gateway plugins.png

How it works



Download and install the right plugin for your platform then create an account on this website.


Create App

Login to your account, provide the M-PESA API and other relevant details for app creation.


Configure Plugin

Configure the plugin on your website with the app details and start selling.


Unlmited Transactions

There's no limit to the number of M-PESA Transactions per app.

Track Transactions

Track statuses for all M-PESA transactions made via the App.

Still Free

These plugins remain free until further notice.


Use the same Till/Paybill number for one or Multiple Apps in multiple websites.


Quarterly Advantage Plan

KES 0 / 90 Days

Half-Year Boost Plan

KES 0 / 182 Days

Annual Elite Plan

KES 0 / 365 Days


What are the transaction rates?

Can you assist in the plugin setup?

Where does my money go?

Which platforms do you support?

What data does your api collect in regard to my Till/Paybill?

What the API cannot do.

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